E-commerce Aggregator Website
An aggregator app where users can compare prices and offers from various e-commerce websites

Premium Clothing Brand Online Store
Due to the pandemic, offline store revenues decreased, and the client reached out to us based on a recommendation. The goal: to launch a website and start selling products from stock with delivery or pickup options.

Grocery Shopping and Delivery App
Our main server system for the app and an intermediary layer that interacts with the first and provides an API for interacting with accounting systems. The mobile app is implemented in Swift for iOS and JAVA for Android devices.

Jewelry Brand Online Store
Maxim Demidov is a well-known jewelry designer in certain circles. At some point, offline sales were no longer enough, so they reached out to us.

Landing Page for ICO
We implemented a landing page and created an 'interactive mobile app demo' so users could better experience it.

Construction Equipment Online Store
The client sells special machinery and spare parts. The website was created by another company a year ago, but sales did not grow.
Online Store Development
The transition from offline to online is a necessary step in today's world, and we know how to do it best.
ERP and Ecosystem for a Logistics Company
Logistics companies today face great competition, and to stay on top, it’s necessary to keep up with the times, which is why they reached out to us for a website update.

Trading Platform
Our long-term partner decided to expand their business direction and chose a field that, in our opinion, is very useful.

NFT Art Development
The partner came to us with an idea. Our task was to implement all the technical parts.

Mobile App
Many cryptocurrency mobile apps create inconvenience for users. We decided to simplify this task!